Wednesday 11 October 2017

Blue Whale Prize Bond & Thai Lottery

Blue Whale Prize Bond

Rajoo Baba
The Master of Prize Bond Number & Joo Music No


By JH Sayyar

Astrology, Lame Luck and Lottery
Astrology and gambling both are as old as man itself because since man’s creation man started making gambling in different shapes as dice, card, horse race, gambling on life and death fighting in Roman Arena, Casino Card Game, and betting on sports event…God did not create game of any type but God made man and put inside his a micro chip of the whole universe so that man could conquer all aspects of nature is the last achievement of man on earth. 

One thing is most important for men to know the art of astrology because it is astrology that controls the whole universe and all its material and no material aspects since man and universe creation. Most of the readers do not know that all over the world weather prediction, storm and tornado prediction, flood prediction… even all types of predictions are made by astrology since the beginning of time or when man started using wit and wisdom on earth. 

Goddess Fortuna

Human Nature and Gambling
As God has told in the Holy Quran that man is greedy and want to be rich without doing something and for this purpose clever persons invented different types of game to deceive man and woman putting before them a lot of money in the shape of prize bond but most of the people do not know that lucks are kept in the golden Cocktail in the sky. 

As we all have seen that many get success in gambling but many not why? It is most important question for earthly man. Men do not think deeply if he thinks deeply he will be able to know the secret of getting money on earth without labor and according to the laws of nature. 

Man and Money Mystery
Man is chasing money since its creation and money is running one step forward than man due to luck good and evil luck on earth. Most of the people do not know that four things are in the hands of God since man’s creation: money marriage, life and death because these things know no laws of earth but the Decree of God and nothing else. When we say, numbers, keep in mind, these are not numbers, but abstract money in real sense waiting God’s Decree. 

Linda Goodman spent her most twenty precious years with a Hindu Guru just to know the secret of huge money on Utter Perdas Mountains. At the end she came to know that money is a wheat plant, grow one grain of wheat and get hundreds of wheat grain. It means that if someone gives one penny in the name of God, God will award hundreds of penny on earth to man who gives money as charity having solid trust in God. 

Luck and Manmade Money Formulas
We all must keep in mind just one thing that there is no connection between money and manmade formulas. All formulas seen in different shapes on internet ion the site prize bond are fake and just their own random thinking and nothing else. No one can tell you the exact prize bond numbers to win lottery because sometimes human thinking works well and many times not. 

To all formulas we may call all arbitrary guess sometimes get success and sometimes fail and thus man gets loss big and small. Many people on internet you will find saying get numbers and pay money. My brother, think for while, if they guess makers know the number they will come in the next draw why they appeal to send money to them as charity? 

Money and Trust in God Link
Whatever we earn on earth via labor or lottery and use any other means to earn money directly belongs to God because God Super Computer hanging of God’s right side watches directly our whole activities on earth for recording purpose. But most of the people do not know this. 

We must know that doubt is an enemy of our faith and we have doubt in all matters of life. For example, those who make numbers of prize bond have doubts that is why they, they write change numbers with the passage of time and write many numbers may some this or that number appears the next day. But it does not so because the number makers have doubt on the made number. 

There is no space of doubt in the Kingdom of God. In the real sense, we all have doubts even in the teachings of the Holy Quran. That is why; God leaves men on their wit and understanding powers and blocks God’s blessings on earth for such men. 

One Number or More than One Number
One number will appear in the first and three numbers will appear in the second prize bond but number makers make more than fifty numbers because they have doubt this number or that number will come but it does not so in reality and the gamblers lose the money and get disappointment and try to trace the other person to get numbers of the next draw. 

The secret of money prize bond money is to follow just one man or paper some day you will get prize money do not follow all papers scattering on internet. I myself write just one number and every time the number deceives changing digits in the first and second means I will have to increase my knowledge about how to get numbers. I am trying to strengthen my knowledge. 

At this time I have made 4961 number for first. Just one number and nothing else I have got many times prize bond money with self made numbers. I always follow my self-made numbers and win many times prize bond money.

Doubt Ruins Your Luck
Keep in mind, doubt ruins your luck in reality because doubt sakes your trust in God basics in practical field. Just make one number on the day of your lucky day and play the number without doubt you will get prize money. There are just ten numbers and its arrangement makes the final coming number in the first and second. Do not follow Number Babas I know personally what they do to deceive the gamblers. 

Note. In the next article I will teach my gambler friends how to make number of the first and second. May be you may get the true number with the blessings of God are different on earth for different men.

By JH Sayyar: Medical Astrologer

Square Root (Jazar) Mystery in Prize Bond 

Numbers & Thailand Lottery
I have thought more and more but could not find the exact number formula due to picking the ball by hand in Thailand lottery and by machine handle in Prize Bond numbers. It is a fact that numbers are already fed if already fed already meant there was an application of mathematics formula but it is not so. I have traced the square root of all the Thailand Lottery numbers and Prize Bond Lottery numbers. 

Market Guess Papers v Thailand Lottery & Prize Bond Numbers
I have travelled Thailand streets and roaming vendors on the road selling Thailand lottery tickets before the big Mall and Shopping Plazas sitting on the wings of poetry and imagination but luck favors fools in games because fate and chance play an important role in human matters and games. Available papers in markets ar countless and but some of them work luckily not mathematically.

People all over the guess about lottery numbers but a few get success due to the stroke of luck not mathematical labor. I have seen no mathematical law or formula support the coming number but I can tell you all the numbers perfect square root of Thailand Lottery and Prize Bond Numbers in Pakistan. This formula told me my friend Rajo Baba who invented itself working hard.

I have searched all the numbers of Thailand Lottery and Prize Bond Numbers in Pakistan and found no law to guess exact coming numbers but sometimes luck supports and the said numbers appears in the first or the last three digits in Thailand Lottery.

Square Root (Jazar) of the Past Numbers
1. 1220
The square of 1220 is 1489
2. 4947
The square root of 4947 is 2448
3. 8720
The square root of 8720 is 7604
4. 6312
The square root of 6312 is 3965
5. 0351
The square root of 0351 is 1236 (Add zero in the beginning)
6. 4998
The square root of 4998 is 2499
7. 7910
The square root of 7910 is 6257
8. 0580
The square root of 0580 is 3371
9. 8800
The square root of 8800 is 7745
10. 4176
The square root of 4176 is 1744
11. 4981
The square root of 4981 is 2482
12. 7328
The square root of 7321 is 5370
13. 1844
The square root of 1844 is 3.403
14. 6244
The square root of 6244 is 3899
15. 3210
The square root of 3210 is 1031
16. 2122
The square root of 2122 is 4.506
17. 2670
The square root of 2670 is 7.132
18. 3599
The square root of 3599 is 1295
19. 9458
The square root of 9457 is 8946
20. 9602
The square root of 9502 is 9221
21.0000? Nov 1, 2017 Rs. 7500 Quetta
Square root?

Mathematicians Alert
Note: Those who are interested in finding the square root of the above numbers I make understand them so that they could do more work on the future numbers. I believe in that the future number will come with the help of square root. Contact me at this email:

An Introduction to Blue Whale PB & Thai Lottery
Please Read Carefully!

Do not blame me for if no number my friends, kind;
Because on earth luck is stronger than human mind
                                                           (JH Sayyar)

The main point of creating the site is to provide full guideline to the people who play prize bond game in Pakistan and out of Pakistan those who play Thai Lottery and lost their money. Keeping in mind to recover the lost money of the gamer I have started this site just to help the gamer to choose the right numbers at every draw so that they could recover their lost money with the help of Almighty, God..

Wisdom & Luck Comparison

Wisdom is given to human being to ponder over the all objects of the Universe so that men could understand this point that God is the creator of the whole Universe and all things in between heaven and earth. While on the other hand, Luck has no physical being but Luck is an abstract thing and all abstract things are most difficult to control for earthly men.

Earthly men could not understand the mystery of number due to lack of knowledge and nothing else. Men generate numbers according to their knowledge and in this matter human knowledge is incomplete not complete, that is why we many times fail in picking up the right numbers and sometimes choose the correct numbers.

My Main Set Train Guiding the Gamer

I will try my best to explain the number mystery before the people and provide them guideline in choosing the numbers for every draw. I will disclose my number on my site for everyone.

The main pinpoint of the site is to guide the gamers who play prize bond numbers in Pakistan and out of Pakistan the gamers who play Thai lottery to win money for comforts. I have seen most of the people have lost their money in perusing prize bond numbers but every time fail and sometimes successful due to luck failure or bad luck.

I have received hundreds of mails at and all requested to guide us in the field of prize bond numbers because you are a famous astrologer at, and your name is a ranked name in Google Search Engine (SEO). Yea! I have knowledge about number and astrology therefore; I am supposed to help you in the field of choosing prize bond number of quarterly draw is held on 15, and 1 date of every month in Pakistan.
Is there any Angel of Wealth and Money on Earth?

Keep in mind two things: money and wealth both are the slave of Fate and Chance and the second thing; no formula works on numbers because number is money and money awarding is in the hand of God. And no angel is guardian on wealth and money but God distributes wealth and money Self on earth among men and women according to needs.

I have searched all religious scriptures to trace the angel of wealth and money but could not find means wealth and money is in the hand of God. The formula of getting money and wealth from God is good deed on earth for others; God will be happy and award you money and wealth on earth.
